Thursday, November 12, 2009

Google Street View

Google Street View is definitely a new step to technology. After seeing the post, i didn't really know how i felt about the new "invention". There are definitely pros and cons to the new program, pros being you can find a house using the map if you are lost and need directions, and its is also useful for site-seeing. The cons being that it is a bit of an invasion of privacy according to some people, and some just do not want their homes on the internet.

For me, I like the fact that you can look anywhere around the world and search where places are, what people are doing and what the place actually looks like. It is almost like you are there, in a different country, state, etc without getting up from your chair. I love to look at different places of the world because it makes me feel closer to the world. Google Street View makes the world just a little bit smaller. I love love love traveling, so its good for people that love to travel or site see.
For others, it may be a disturbance and invasion.

So I think that if google were to change the street view up a bit, i think they should make it that we can see tourist places around the world, but that we wouldn't actually be able to see the homes. For example, i am a BIG Coronation Street fan, and i would one day love to take a tour of Granada Studios, where they film it. In the meantime, just finding where it is and being able to look at it, makes me much closer than before.

As some other posts have mentioned, Google street view has its pros and cons, as does everything else in the world, i guess, but it is really useful for many different reasons.


  1. I completely agree with you, there are definetly some pros and cons about this software. There are many safety concerns about Google Street View. You can easily be idenitfied, even though your face is blurred. Also, people can see the layout of your house. Even though, Google Street View is fun, it still can be dangerous.

    I agree, there should be tourist attractions. I would also like to see different countries and their famous tourist attractions.

    The Effiel Tower, Pyramids, Niagara Falls; they would all be good places to show on Google Street View.

    -Caitlin C., Section 3

  2. I support your opinion! As I have said in my blog as well, there is definitely good and bad in this situation.

    Often it's very risky to put up photos of one's home on the internet, so Google Street View should probably just stick to tourist attractions, or at least major intersections.

    - Sarah B. Section 2
