Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Did they Really Say That?

This picture, in my opinion, is extremely contreversial. It is pretty much stating is that being a a certain way is wrong. And that is TOTALLY NOT the case! To me, its like this photo, just cries to make people upset about themselves because the advrtisement is saying "Eat as much as you want, and still stay thin!" It is just like how it is today. Some magazines say it is best to look like the celebrities in the magazines, when truthfully half of the people in the magazines dont look like that. I think this is a really bad ad because its degrading to alot of people. Its like saying the only way you stauy skinny is if you eat, unless you read this ad. I think at the time, maybe the company running the ad wanted to start a type of "diet", except they just did not word it correctly. There may be ads like this today. Some of them may include like Jennie Craig type of things or Weight Watchers, but that type of diet os more subtle.

This next photo i think gives an impact to women. It is stating that if you blow smoke in her face, shell for sure follow you? Its like shes a puppy? I dont think so. This image to me is trying to state that women are like puppies who follow men around or something. I dont exactly know, but this is not an ad i would like to see in todays period of time. I definitely dont agree with the advertisement.

I dont agree with this statement. Its not a nice saying. I dont even know how to express this.

Doctors aren't supposed to smoke!?!?! They know about all of the problems and diseases that can be caused by smoking! Also the ad is insinuating that if the doctors do it, and obviously they would know if it was bad for them, then every other person will be smoking. Also its like an endorsement towards their cigarettes rather than any other company.


  1. This comment is with regards to the second ad, Blow in her face and she will follow you anywhere. I agree exactly with you! This ad is stating that women are puppies. You are right, this is an incredibly wrong way to bring about something such as smoking. They could have done a better job with it.

  2. Yeah, I'm not too big of a fan on these ads either. Granted, their quite outdates -so I'll let certain parts slide. But still, I mean when did women find smoke being blown in our face attractive in the first place? It's soooo wrong- and I nearly take offense to it because is just seems really degrading to women.

    I found the second one kind of funny, to be honest. It's all sorts of ridiculous.

  3. I totally agree about what you said about the pictures. The one that struck me the most was the smoking doctor, because I do believe that doctors shouldn't smoke, they should be the ones who are encouraging people not to smoke. Also the one where the man is smoking in front of the women's face, making it seem like a women is a mans puppy like what you said. Overall, I agree with everything you have said.

  4. I totally agree with you on all these advertisements! I don't know what the people were thinking back then but these ads would certainly be banned in today's society. I also thought the exact same thing when you said that the second ad were treating women like puppies which is so wrong and goes against so many rights.
