Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Social Awareness Contradiction

1. I feel that the Dove Real Beauty campaign is awesome. I think it really shows that every single girl and woman can ARE beautiful in their own way. The media can really destroy the self-consiousness of a girl by saying how skinny they should be or how much makeup they should use. I think that the media can, not always, but alot of the time can have a nasty effect on people. The media will always say what the perfect thing is, or what the perfect wieght is, and I do not think that is good... at all. I mean how can you judge someone based on that criteria? That is not how you define a person. So i am a big fan of the Dove Real Campaign and i would love to be a part of it one day.
2. Uhm, I have not seen ALL Axe commercials, but the one that really makes me laugh is the Chocolate one, where the guy is made of "chocolate" representing the new AXE chocolate spray. This makes me laugh because one i love the music and the guy is quite funny. I mean i do not think that AXE does that, because truthfully I only like one or two of the smells of Axe. I LOVE armani or lacoste or other brands. So i don't think it works for everyone, which kinda makes me laugh because they think it does, but it doesnt.
3. Yeah. I think they do. I mean if ONE company is making two different kid companies.. i think they should be the same. Or at least have the same message. It is kind of wierd that those two companies are from the same parent company and they do not have the same message. I dont like that. I think that if you have one company and two kid companies, they both should have the same message. Meaning it should have the same beliefs and values.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all your points!!
    I belive that the Dove campaign is a great idea and, from what you have written, you and I are huge supporters of the goal of this campaign.
    I also love that commercial for Axe that you are talking about. It was a great idea for an advertisment. Although, when you wrote "So I don't think it works for everyone, which kinda makes me laugh because they think it does, but it doesnt." I don't agree that they think the smell works on everyone, that is just what they attempt to portray in their adds to make sales.
    I also think your look on the 'parent' companys, and how both 'children' campaigns should have the same beleifs and values is, in my opinion, correct.

